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Gülhane Park


Gülhane Park in Istanbul
Gülhane Park in Istanbul


Gülhane Park as seen from the Topkapı Palace
Gülhane Park as seen from the Topkapı Palace


The park's Goths Column (Turkish: Gotlar Sütunu), dating from Roman times, commemorates a Roman victory over the Goths.
The park's Goths Column (Turkish: Gotlar Sütunu), dating from Roman times, commemorates a Roman victory over the Goths.

Gülhane Park (Turkish: Gülhane Parkı - "Rosehouse Park"; from Persian: Gulkhāna - "house of flowers") is a historical urban park in the Eminönü district of Istanbul, Turkey, located adjacent to and on the grounds of the Topkapı Palace; the south entrance of the park sports one of the larger gates of the palace. It is the oldest -and one of the most expansive- public parks in Istanbul.


Gülhane Park was once part of the outer garden of Topkapı Palace and mainly consisted of a grove. A section of the outer garden was planned as a park by the municipality and opened to the public in 1912. The park previously contained recreation areas, coffee houses, playgrounds etc. Later, a small zoo was opened within the park. The first statue of Atatürk in Turkey was erected in the park in 1926, sculpted by Heinrich Krippel.


The park underwent a major renovation in recent years; the removal of the zoo, funfair and picnic grounds affecting an increase in open space. The excursion routes were re-arranged and the big pool was renovated in a modern style. With concrete structures removed the park regained the natural landscape of the 1950s, revealing trees dating from the 1800s.



The old barracks within the area of Gülhane is expected to be converted to a cultural center in due course; the center will host a library and exhibition hall together with a workshop on kilim and handicrafts.


gulhane-park1.jpgguhane-park.jpgGülhane Park, a famous excursion area and the oldest park of the city, lies between Topkapı Palace and Sarayburnu. This park is spread over a very large area and has very interesting and rare kinds of trees and bushes. However it was close for the last two years. Before renovation it was sheltering a neglected zoo, an old fashioned funfair and cheap entertainments addressing to lower income groups. Now the zoo, funfair and picnic grounds are no more existing. 

Currently, there are panoramic terraces over Sarayburnu and the open space ratio, which was 55%, raised to 78%. The excursion routes arranged and benches are all scattered around and moreover the big pool was restored in a modern style.

The Municipality of Istanbul has converted all concrete areas to open space areas and the park gained its natural landscape in 1950s. Luckily we can now view the old trees of 1800s, which were hidden behind the concrete buildings.

In addition, the old barrack within the borders of Gulhane will be converted to a Cultural Center in due course. This Center is going to host a library, exhibition hall together with a workshop on kilim and handicrafts.



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