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Directorate General of Press and Information

Shortly after the establishment of the Turkish Grand NationalAssembly (TGNA), during its 25th session on June 7, 1920, theMatbuat ve Istihbarat Muduriyet-i Umumiyesi (Directorate Generalof Press and Information) was formed under Law No.6.

In addition to gathering information about Turkey from the foreignpress, which is its main function, it also contributes to theformation of laws concerning the press. The Directorate publishedthe Official Gazette until 1927, and began to publish the StateYear Book in 1925. It has been publishing Highlights of the Monthat intervals since 1923. It has held a Press Convention twiceand paved the way for the establishment of the Turkish Press Unionduring World War II. Since 1943, it has been responsible forissuing press cards to local and foreign members of the press.

Until 1964, when the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) was established, all radio broadcasting came under the Directorate General's jurisdiction. The Directorate General of Press and Information (DGPI) sent personnel abroad to be trained in television broadcasting. It has also played a leading role in developing television broadcasting in Turkey.

In 1981, it was affiliated to the Prime Ministry and its organizationalstructure and functions were revised with the Decree in forceof Law No. 231 dated June 18, 1984, and the Decree in force ofLaw No. 340 dated November 11, 1988.

Currently, the main functions of the Directorate General of Pressand Information are to provide the state with information andcontribute to the development of the Turkish press and Turkey'spromotion abroad, especially in the West. With the use of advancedequipment, it monitors various radio broadcasts. It also hasa print-shop.

To achieve one of its main functions, the Directorate Generalof Press and Information follows both the national and foreignpress and furnishes information promptly to various departmentsof state regarding national and international events. This taskis carried out by the News Department of the Deputy Governor ofPress and Information and by Press Attaches abroad.


Directorate General of Press and Information Publications
The Directorate General of Press and Information conducts languagecourses and sends journalists abroad to improve their foreignlanguage skills. The Directorate General of Press and Informationwhich also aims at developing the Anatolian press, prints a weeklybulletin "Anadolu'nun Sesi" or "Voice of Anatolia".

In addition, it has another publication "Turk Haber Ankara"or "Turkish News Ankara" to keep expatriots informedabout matters in the country.

The Directorate General of Press and Information also publishesbooks on various subjects such as international relations. Directoratepublications currently exceed 300 publications. The DirectorateGeneral of Press and Information assists foreign members of thepress to carry out their duties in Turkey by issuing them witha "Blue Press card", running press centres and connectionwith customs.

The Directorate General of Press and Information also publishesnewspapers, magazines, booklets and brochures in foreign languagesto promote Turkey abroad: like "Newspot", a fortnightlypress digest, the "Turkish Review" a quarterly magazine,the daily "Turkish Press Review" and the "StateYear Book", etc.

In addition to the Istanbul branch of the Directorate Generalof Press and Information, the Council of Ministers has approvedthe opening of additional branches in Antalya, Izmir, Adana, Trabzon,Erzurum, Van, Batman, Bingol, Elazig, Hakkari, Mardin, Siirt,Sirnak, Tunceli, and Diyarbakir. It has press offices in Washington,New York, London, Paris, Brussels, Bonn, Kefkosa, Islamabad, Rome,Vienna, Cairo, Athens, Tehran, Riyadh and Moscow.



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